Scripture Reading - Psalm 8:3 KJV

When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;

The “second heaven” is not mentioned in the Holy Bible by that exact name. However, there are many references to the content of this “second heaven”. Specifically, when we (ihlcc) are speaking of the “second heaven” we are speaking of the “stellar heaven”. The word “stellar” basically means an area of stars. Therefore this “second heaven” consist of the stars and plants that may be partially seen on a clear night. Although the brightness of the stars allows man to see a select number of them in the dark we know scientifically that the approximate distance to the center of the Milky Way (the galaxy of the Solar system) is around 152,844 trillion miles (245,979 trillion km or 26,000 light years). The point being this galaxy of the “Second Heaven” is enormously vast to say the least. The closest star is considered to be the “Sun” which reminds us that Jesus Christ should always be the closest star in your life. It is said that in this “second heaven” not as much demonic activity occurs. Testimony from some astronauts proclaim a noticeable increase in the level of peace and serenity. This statement is believable because in the third heaven there is no demonic activity, whereas in contrast to that, the most extreme demonic activity is believed to be in Hell which is full of pain and suffering. We (ihlcc) have heard that there are port-holes of travel in the spirit realm which allows the saints who leave the earth to travel through the “second heaven” on route to the third heaven. Of course usually by escort as told by those few who have experienced a taste of life after death and came back to tell us about it. This “second heaven” is the buffer zone between the third heaven and first heaven (the atmospheric heaven directly over the earth). It is believed by many scientist that the “second heaven” is what keeps the earth and the first heaven in operation but we (ihlcc) believe it is the power of God that keeps all the heavens in harmony (perfect moving alignment) according Hebrews 1:2,3. We should also notice that in the Holy Bible the word “heavens” is plural at least one-hundred and thirty three times (133) confirming that there is more than just one heaven, even today’s verse speaks of “God’s heavens” in plural. The one key that we (ihlcc) want you, dear reader, to remember is that God created this “second heaven” for His purposes with man in mind so that man would bring glory and honor unto God. Although we don’t understand all the glorious majesty of the “second heaven” we do understand that we are to glorify the Creator of the whole universe because truly the Lord is worthy. Our Heavenly Father and His Precious Son, Jesus Christ, saved our soul by their grace and mercy for all eternity are they not worthy of our highest praise and worship (adoration). We say they are worthy of much more, blessed be the Name of the Lord Jesus from henceforth and forevermore. Amen!